Wednesday 23 February 2011

Critical Debates for Design - Task 4

Corporate Social Responsibility

Nike has become on of those global companies targeted by a broad range of campaigning as a symbolic representation of the business in society. In Nike's case, the issues are those of human rights and conditions for workers in factories in developing countries. 
I personally think that besides all this controversies and accusations, it's a fact that Nike's factories employ an enormous number of people, who probably would not have any work at all. 
Nike produces footwear, clothing, equipment and accessory products for the sports and athletic market. It is the largest seller in the world (for this type of products). It sells for approximately 140 countries around the world. The company manufactures in China, Taiwan, Korea as well as in the US and Italy. In the face of constant accusations, Nike has developed a considered response to all this accusations about human rights. It now has a well developed focus for its corporate responsibility on improving conditions on contracted factories, aiming for carbon neutrality and making sports available to young people across the world. 


For me, Benetton is a great example of good Corporate Social Responsibility. 
One of Benetton's latest global ad campaign promotes the Birima micro-credit program in Senegal that receive financial support from the company. This is a co-operative credit society founded by Youssou N'Dour.
This campaign features Senegalese workers who have used micro loans to start small, productive businesses. These people become symbols of Africa that uses work to fight poverty, increases its resources and take back responsibility for creating its future.
According to Alessandro Benetton, the project emphasizes "the new face of Africa" trough talent, hard work, optimism and interest for the future. This project enhances the community's confidence and guarantees profits and development.
In my opinion, this seems to be a good way to fight poverty and therefore is a good project and a good social responsibility.  

As a designer our personal social responsability is to create somehing that we believe, that we know is sustainable, that will help people. As a graphic designer, we should take in consideration everything about environmental issues as well as ergonomical issues. We should colaborate with different people, create a social network with different areas of design. 

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