Thursday 3 March 2011

Critical Debates in Design - Task 5

2 Designers (or designe groups) with strong ethics


I choose Banksy because I really like what he does. He carry with his work strong political and social messages and also he relocates our eyes to art, statues, places. He has a satirical way to deliver his message with some kind of dark humor, and that's why I really like it! I also like the fact that he uses stencil most of the times and moreover, his identity is not noun. 
I was going to my part-time job in the Royal Albert Hall and something caught my eye when I was passing near by some statues. They had those road pins on top of their heads. I thought it could have been Banksy, although that's one of the things he had done before, and he is known for not doing the same thing twice, so... I'm still not sure if it was him, but if it want's, it was definitely based on his work, and it caught my atention! I don't have the picture of that with me at the moment, but soon I'll post that here. So for now, enjoy the next pictures of some of his work.


The OBEY sticker campaign describes “the process of letting things manifest themselves.” They make posters and stickers to enable people to see clearly something that is right before their eyes but obscured; things that are so taken for granted that they are muted by abstract observation.
The OBEY sticker attempts to stimulate curiosity and bring people to question both the sticker and their relationship with their surroundings. Because people are not used to seeing advertisements or propaganda for which the product or motive is not obvious, frequent and novel encounters with the sticker provoke thought and possible frustration, nevertheless revitalizing the viewer’s perception and attention to detail.
Many stickers have been peeled down by people who were annoyed by them, considering them an eye sore and an act of petty vandalism, which is ironic considering the number of commercial graphic images everyone in American society is assaulted with daily.

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