Wednesday 16 March 2011

Critical Debates in Design - Task 6

The role of packaging is to contain, preserve and protect the product and help the consumer quickly understan what the product is all about, it's a sort of silent man.
Packaging is also a primary mechanism for branding and in nowodays I think branding is taking over the packaging itself and creating more waste which is regretful! The problem seems to be that modern society cannot function without it. So, our role, as designers, is to create less waste and a recyclable packaging. 

There are already some packaging designers that think about all the issues and create a great packaging design for the products, like: KNOEND - Lite2Go Lamp
The packaging is the product. It's functional, it's clean, it's attractive and it creates less wast an normal lamp pack, as you can see in the following video.

What is Carbon Footprint? 
It's a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels, for electrivity, heating, transportation, etc.

What is Green Packaging is environmental friendly packaging solutions that protect your product and the environment.

Newton Shoes:
Take this Newton shoe packaging example that was all the rage because its use of eco- friendly packaging materials. On the surface it looks like a solution but unfortunately as it turned out the packaging actually was more costly to produce, took more space in shipping and distribution and was a nightmare at retail due to the unusual shape. Consequently was not really an environmental win even though the package design is great.

Wine will light up your night! Literally! Tatiana Guimaraes has given a new meaning to reusing packaging with her Ciclus wine bottle packaging that transforms from a box to a lamp.
The Brazilian designer wanted to extend the life cycle of wine packaging and I must agree that she found a very creative way.  The lamp is beautiful and would make that house warming gift bottle last a little longer.  I am not sure everyone who buys a wine bottle needs a new lamp so there is some excess. However, it makes us think that, YES, we can package things better.

What is traffic labelling? We all lead busy lives nowadays, so making healthier choises when shopping need to be quick and easy. Developing a consistent way of clearly highlighting how much fat, sugar and salt a food contains will make it simpler for people to put healthy eating advice into practice when shopping.

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