Friday 25 March 2011

Critical Debates - Task 7

Thou shalt not advertise...

Advertising is everywhere! In nowadays is a really competitive market. You can find adverts everywhere you go... on the tube, on the street, on the supermarket, on the trains, in billboards, on the bus stop, on the television, on the radio... it's everywhere! Today it's almost impossible to imagine our lives without advertisements. 

So, the role of advertisement is to attract people's attention to make them buy the product advertised, wheter you like it or not, wheter you need it or not. How does adverts do that? Well, they persuade you with the help of logical arguments that you really need it. That's mainly how it works. But there are more types of advertising, some kind of secret and subconscient advertising like the sweeties and other small and unnecessary things near the cash desks. It's there with a purpose... while you are waiting in the queue, you will look at them, and certainly, you'll end up buying at least one.

Though even I know these tricks and I am aware of how advertising works, I, sometimes, can not resist this small joys and allow myself to give in. In the end, we have to admit that wheter we like it or not, today advertising influences and changes our minds a lot! All we need to do is, before buying something and before being trapped by advertising, we need to think if we really need what we are about to buy! Be aware about how the advert is manipulating you... and think... am I being manipulated and persuaded or do I really need this?

A good advertising is when you wish you'd been part of. It's those kind of adverts that are simple, that captures the heart and mind and plays to the common person with the common truth that add something to life. It has to be smart, playful, positive and powerful in its message! It has to make the audience laugh, it doesn't need to be a big belly laugh, a little snigger is often more powerful and more intelligent. It has to rich people and make them think about it, talk about it, comment about it and if it stays for a long time in your mind, then it's a good advert..!

About adverts being banned or judged offensive... There are some adds that use strong images or less appropriate language, etc... well... if it's a good advert then it was studied and tested for a specific target audience and it worked, therefore should not be banned or forbidden. Having said that, sometimes these adverts are placed in public places and everyone is subjected to their message, which sometimes can cause some complaints.
I think each person should be able to choose which ads they must ignore and which they take into consideration. We have a brain, we think, we are more or less free to choose what we want to do, therefore, if an advert says, go and kill yourself because it's cool, you are not gonna do it, are you?

Here is an example of a banned advert:

Some adverts are just bad...

This advert is selling two products at the same time. And none of them has nothing to do with the other!

Another disaster... there are better ways of advertising!!!

It could have been a good campaign, but for me, this is the wrong place to put this advert!

On the other hand, there are plenty of good advertising:

The tag is: "Not pretty but fast"... Simple, funny, different, eye catcher... brilliant! 

Strong, powerful, REAL, great and simple!

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